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“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding  to the simple.”                              
Psalm 119:130 


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For years I've toyed with writing. I genuinely believe it's “a calling,” and yet, I struggle to know what to do with it. I launch blogs, write social media posts, watch videos, study big name authors, listen to podcasts, and I've even put together the makings of a book manuscript. Still, I can't seem to take the next step toward whatever the next step is. I wonder if it's because I haven't truly answered the age-old question of, why? Why is writing so important to me? What fuels this passion? As I move my thoughts from head to hand, and keyboard to screen, I am hopeful that through these pages, answers will come. If not, well, then I’ll just fill them with my imagination and throw in a splash of wisdom I've learned along the way. I pray that as you read, you receive fresh perspectives, encouragement and joy. Thanks for stopping by! 

Like all of humanity, a masterful Creator designed me. He shaped me and gave me free-will to do, say and feel whatever I choose. However, over the course of many decades, I have learned (often the hard way), that despite the beauty of free-will, my life is not my own. Every decision I make has an influence on some one, or some thing, some where. And, the same is true for you. 



So, I will cook & eat good food.


I will be incessantly curious. 


I will spend time in nature.


I will commune with others. 


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